Річний звіт 2021/Фінансовий звіт

Матеріал з Вікімедіа Україна
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2021: перше півріччяповний рікпроєктні звіти (щомісячні: січеньлютийберезеньквітеньтравеньчервеньлипеньсерпеньвересеньжовтеньлистопадгрудень)

На цій сторінці наведений фінансовий звіт про роботу громадської організації «Вікімедіа Україна» у 2021 році.

Деталізація витрат

Опис / Description Закладено / Budgeted (USD) Закладено / Budgeted (UAH) Витрачено / Spent (UAH) Витрачено / Spent (USD, 27.16 UAH per 1 USD) Баланс / Balance (USD)
Program 1: Content Enrichment
Bridging text content gaps
1.1 Editing challenges and contests 5,650.00 153,471.10 113,038.59 4,161.49 1,488.51
1.1.1 Cultural diplomacy article challenge 1,000.00 27,163.03 8438 310.64 689.36
1.1.2 WikiGap challenge 800.00 21,730.42 10093.89 371.60 428.40
1.1.3 CEE Spring 2021 article contest 1,000.00 27,163.03 32663.24 1,202.49 -202.49
1.1.4 Challenge on uploading existing sources published under free licenses 550.00 14,939.66 0 0.00 550.00
1.1.5 Local content promoting contests/challenges 800.00 21,730.42 0 0.00 800.00
1.1.6 Thematic weeks and months 1,000.00 27,163.03 41872.81 1,541.54 -541.54
1.1.7 Sister Wikiprojects initiatives 500.00 13,581.51 19970.65 735.21 -235.21
Enhancing quality of content
1.2 Improving content 1,800.00 48,893.45 20,107.00 740.23 1,059.77
1.2.1 A wikiproject/challenge contest to improve articles 1,000.00 27,163.03 107 3.94 996.06
1.2.2 Wikigrants (for books) 500.00 13,581.51 20000 736.29 -236.29
1.2.3 Organizing pilot expert evaluation of articles quality 300.00 8,148.91 0 0.00 300.00
Attracting media content
1.3 Photography Contests 21,442.40 586,817.86 628,858.18 23,151.26 -1,708.86
1.3.1 Photo Contests (Wiki Loves Earth International part) 8,592.40 233,395.59 233,404.70 8,592.74 -0.34
1.3.1 Prizes (incl. diplomas) 4,950.00 134,456.98 137256 5,053.05 -103.05
1.3.2 International post expenses 500.00 13,581.51 16156.7 594.80 -94.80
1.3.3 Gifts for international jury 200.00 5,432.61 0 0.00 200.00
1.3.4 International contest contractor 2,942.40 79,924.49 79992 2,944.89 -2.49
1.3.2 Photo Contests (National) 12,850.00 353,422.27 395,453.48 14,558.52 -1,708.52 Wiki Loves Earth in Ukraine 5,910.00 164,910.87 160,861.42 5,922.07 -12.07 Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine 6,940.00 188,511.40 234,592.06 8,636.45 -1,696.45
1.4 Wikiexpeditions and photography grants 1,600.00 43,460.84 37,524.00 1,381.44 218.56
1.4.1 Wikiexpeditions 1,200.00 32,595.63 35298 1,299.49 -99.49
1.4.2 Photography grants 400.00 10,865.21 2226 81.95 318.05
1.5 GLAM 3,853.92 104,684.13 95,993.00 3,533.96 319.96
1.5.1 Events, presentations, video, campaigns etc 1,500.00 40,744.54 49793 1,833.12 -333.12
1.5.2 GLAM Contractor 2,353.920 63,939.59 46200 1,700.84 653.079
1.X Unforeseen community projects and events 1,500.00 40,744.54 0.00 0.00 1,500.00
Total 1 35,846.32 978,071.92 895,520.77 32,968.37 2,877.95
Program 2: Increasing participation
Attracting new editors to Wikimedia projects
2.1 Wikimarathon 2,000.00 54,326.05 17086.19 629.02 1,370.98
2.2 Wikipedia in Education 2,000.00 54,326.05 78616.82 2,894.26 -894.26
2.3 Wikipedia Editing Online course development 500.00 13,581.51 0 0.00 500.00
2.4 School curriculum article contest/challenge 1,000.00 27,163.03 30102 1,108.20 -108.20
2.5 WikiScience Contest 1,000.00 27,163.03 49516 1,822.92 -822.92
2.6 Education Contractor 4,707.84 127,879.18 97020 3,571.77 1,136.07
Increasing diversity of the community of editors
2.7 Development of communities of sister projects and projects in the languages of ethnic groups that have traditionally inhabited Ukraine 900.00 24,446.72 7370 271.32 628.68
2.8 Diversity initiatives: events, presentations etc. 400.00 10,865.21 7000 257.70 142.30
2.X Unforeseen community projects and events 1,000.00 27,163.03 0.00 0.00 1,000.00
Total 2 13,507.84 366,913.81 286,711.01 10,555.19 2,952.65
Program 3: Community Support and Development
Instruction for community members
3.1 Trainings and Community Events 14,350.00 389,789.43 366,745.70 13,501.65 848.35
3.1.1 Training sessions for the community 1,600.00 43,460.84 30209 1,112.14 487.86
3.1.2 Hackathons / events for the development of technical skills 800.00 21,730.42 6884 253.43 546.57
3.1.3 Event organisation (WikiConference, General Meeting, Strategic Session etc.) 5,250.00 142,605.89 324877.7 11,960.29 -6,710.29
3.1.4 Strategy facilitation 1,000.00 27,163.03 0 0.00 1,000.00
3.1.5 Scholarships for international events 5,700.00 154,829.25 4775 175.79 5,524.21
Increasing the community's motivation and awareness
3.2 Raising community motivation 1,250.00 33,953.78 16,278.32 599.28 650.72
3.2.1 Wikizghushchivka (Condensed milk) 500.00 13,581.51 16278.32 599.28 -99.28
3.2.2 Wikigrants 750.00 20,372.27 0 0.00 750.00
3.2.3 Communications with community, newsletters 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
3.3 Increasing awareness 200.00 5,432.61 5,430.00 199.90 0.10
3.3.1 Awareness events, presentations etc 200.00 5,432.61 5430 199.90 0.10
3.3.2 Community Survey (consultant's fee etc) 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
3.X Unforeseen community projects and events 750.00 20,372.27 0.00 0.00 750.00
Total 3 16,550.00 449,548.09 388,454.02 14,300.84 2,249.16
Program 4: Awareness for Wikimedia and Free Knowledge
4.1 Media support and promotion of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects 2,200.00 59,758.66 27,719.00 1,020.47 1,179.53
4.1.1 Wikipedia anniversary 300.00 8,148.91 7280 268.01 31.99
4.1.2 Working with social media and blogs 500.00 13,581.51 15430 568.05 -68.05
4.1.3 Events, presentations, media events 900.00 24,446.72 3945 145.23 754.77
4.1.4 Communication strategy development 500.00 13,581.51 1064 39.17 460.83
4.2 Working with readers and the general public to increase awareness 1,550.00 42,102.69 10,490.50 386.21 1,163.79
4.2.1 Events/initiatives with partners 300.00 8,148.91 0 0.00 300.00
4.2.2 Survey for readers and target audiences 500.00 13,581.51 0 0.00 500.00
4.2.3 Developing information materials on wikiprojects 750.00 20,372.27 10490.5 386.21 363.79
4.3 Advocacy 5,197.20 141,171.68 117,613.00 4,329.89 867.31
4.3.1 Advocacy events, presentations, media events etc 500.00 13,581.51 10860 399.81 100.19
4.3.2 Publications, video etc 2,000.00 54,326.05 8149 300.00 1,700.00
4.3.3 Advocacy contractor 2,697.20 73,264.11 98604 3,630.08 -932.88
4.X Unforeseen community projects and events 750.00 20,372.27 0.00 0.00 750.00
Total 4 9,697.20 263,405.30 155,822.50 5,736.57 3,960.63
Administrative costs
5.1 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 14,486.20 393,489.03 401,730.04 14,789.59 -303.39
5.1.1 Office and utilities 4,200.00 114,084.71 139039.35 5,118.70 -918.70
5.1.2 Office supplies and stationery 960.00 26,076.51 33802 1,244.41 -284.41
5.1.3 Office equipment 500.00 13,581.51 13965.54 514.14 -14.14
5.1.4 Printing / Duplicating / Copying 360.00 9,778.69 9000 331.33 28.67
5.1.5 Web-site development, support and hosting etc 500.00 13,581.51 24429.16 899.35 -399.35
5.1.6 Travel expenses 480.00 13,038.25 14000 515.41 -35.41
5.1.7 Fundraising development 1,000.00 27,163.03 0 0.00 1,000.00
5.1.8 Other administrative expenses (IT, translation, notary, legal, in-person meetings etc) 4,806.20 130,550.94 118598.37 4,366.17 440.03
5.1.9 Communications 1,200.00 32,595.63 33984.92 1,251.15 -51.15
5.1.10 Bank fees 480.00 13,038.25 14910.7 548.93 -68.93
5.2 Staff 30,457.44 827,316.25 904,326.95 33,292.57 -2,835.13
5.2.1 Program coordinator 9,415.68 255,758.36 296400.12 10,911.90 -1,496.22
5.2.2 Communication manager 9,415.68 255,758.36 281816.78 10,375.01 -959.33
5.2.4 Accountant 7,751.04 210,541.70 209280 7,704.59 46.45
5.2.5 Office manager 3,875.04 105,257.81 116830.05 4,301.07 -426.03
Total 5 44,943.64 1,220,805.28 1,306,056.99 48,082.16 -3,138.52
Total expenses 120,545.00 3,278,744.40 3,032,565.29 111,643.13 8,901.87

Рух коштів



  • UA163510050000026004274482200 UAH (загальний рахунок)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 92966.36
    Отримано: 17361.40
    З них членські/благодійні внески: 16064.57
    Перенесений залишок при закритті депозитного рахунку: 1296.83
    Витрачено: 0.00
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 110327.76
  • UA703510050000026001274482203 UAH (депозитний - закритий)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 1293.48
    Отримано: 3.35
    Перенесено на загальний рахунок: 1296.83
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 0.00
  • UA523510050000026002274482202 UAH (грантовий)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 0.00
    Отримано: 3032565.29 (продаж 111643.13 дол)
    Витрачено: 3032565.29
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 0.00

Долари США

  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2018/19)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 9900.00
    Отримано: 0.00
    Витрачено: 0.00
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 9900.00
  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2020)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 10140.00
    Отримано: 0.00
    Витрачено: 10140.00 (перенесено на грант 2021 р)
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 0.00
  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2021)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 63487.50 (1-ша частина гранту на 2021 рік)
    Отримано: 10140.00 (залишок з гранту 2020 р)
    Отримано: 40015.63 (2-га частина гранту на 2021 рік)
    Витрачено: 111643.13
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 2000.00
  • UA343510050000026003274482201 USD (загальний рахунок)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 526.46
    Отримано: - 0
    Витрачено: - 0
    Залишок (на 31.12.2021): 526.46