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Матеріал з Вікімедіа Україна
Найсвіжіший коментар: A1 у темі «Обговорення» 11 років тому

Project scope


Wikimedia Ukraine is planning to organize a concert of vocal music within the project "World classic in Ukrainian". The concert will take place in House of Scientist's hall in Kyiv on May, 15. The program of the concert will include vocal works by F.Schubert, R. Schumann, G. Verdi, P. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninov in free-licensed Ukrainian translations by Yu. Otroshenko and some free-licensed modern vocal works on Ukrainian-language lyrics. Performers are Peolpe's artists of Ukraine M. Koval, S. Fitsych, Honoured Artists of Ukraine N. Krechko, O. Dondik, piano part is Andriy Bondarenko, board member of Wikimedia Ukraine.

Audio recordings will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons project. Also vocal scores with Ukrainian text will be placed to Wikisource project. The concert will widely be announced in mass media.

Project goal


The goal of the concert emphasizes two aspects. The first one is popularisation of free licenses. Vast majority of works planned to be performed are free-licensed and the audio/video recordings of their performance will be also free-licensed thanks to performer`s consent. The second one is an idea of multilangual knoledge. The same way as encyclopaedic knoledge is represented on more than 250 language versions of Wikipedia to be understandable for readers from all over the world, the vocal music could also be performed and heard in different languages. Morover, being sang in a mother language of recipient a word become much more touching and affecting then being sang in a foreing language [1].

Those events in Wikimedia movement history could be regarded as precursors of our concert. In 2010 Wikimedia Czech organizes the concert devoted to A. Dzorzak anniversary [2]. In 2011 the concert Gdansk Philarmonia during Wikimania 2011 conference [3]. In 2012 Wikimedia Ukraine published a vocal score of the opera "La faucon" by D.Bortniansky in M. Strikha's translation and this opera was performed in Drohobych theatre, mainly hanks to our publishing [4]. However our concert is planned to be the first event combining such significant features:

1) the recording of a concert will be free-licensed (unlike mentioned events Gdansk or Drohobych) 2) the concert include free-licensed works by modern authors (unlike events in Praha or Gdansk) 3) Wikimedia member will take as a performer 4) the concert include translated vocal works (unlike events in Praha or Gdansk)

Budget breakdown

  1. Rent of the Hall - 100 USD
  2. Posters, playbills and invitations - 100 USD
  3. Food and meals - 200 USD
  4. Travel costs - 100 USD
500 USD

The Scientist's House hall in Kyiv is comparatively cheap but prestigious hall. It is comfortable for chamber concerts. Rent of this hall costs 806 hrn (near 100 USD).

Posters etc.

Posters and invitations are necessary to attract people. Playbills are aimed also to enlighten goals of the world wikimedia movement and clear up the free-license issues. It is expected to print at least 7 posters and 20 invitations and 60 playbills.

Food and meals

All the performers will work as volunteer and it would be a good faith to encourage them with coffee break between repetition process and beginning of the concert, and to thank them with a drop of champagne after concert. Also it is expected important persons will visit the concert and it is easier to involve them to future collaboration with a drop of champagne.

Travel costs

It is desirable to invite at least two wikimedians from other cities -

  • Anatoly Lutsuk, Chairman of WMUA (lives in Donetsk);
  • Yuri Bulka, WMUA member, curator of educational program in Lviv conservatoire who is encouraged to organize similar music events in Lviv (lives in Lviv).

Measure of success

  • the number of audiofiles, uploaded to WM-projects and their duration
  • the number of publications in Media about this project

Additionally, we will consider the project successful if:

  • the project will encourage poets and composers to publish their works under free licenses;
  • the project will encourage musicians to publish their audio under free licenses;
  • discovering of Ukrainian vocal translations will encourage musicians to discover more and more artefacts of Ukrainian music.

Fit to strategy


Concert will involve musicians to Wikimedia movement and will encourage them to enrich Wikimedia projects with music-related materials, such as audio, sheet music, lyrics.

Other benefits


We believe, the concert may also persuade content owners to free up their material and therefore we could enrich the value of Wikimedia Foundation projects.



«Measures of success» мають бути вимірними і якомога конкретнішими. Наприклад:

  • кількість отриманих аудіозаписів під вільною ліцензією
  • тривалість цих аудіозаписів
  • кількість публікацій у ЗМІ про цей проект
  • кількість записів та творів, які натхнені цим проектом музиканти нададуть для публікації у Вікіпедії. --Amakuha 15:00, 8 квітня 2013 (UTC)Відповісти
Дещо підкорегував. Втім залишив і своє бачення, оскільки на конференції в Мілані як раз йшлося про те, що не всякий успіх піддається точному кількісному вимірюванню. --A1 09:14, 23 квітня 2013 (UTC)Відповісти