
Wikiexpedition was held during 10-14 of September on the Jarylhach island, that is a key area and the main part of «Jarylhatskii» national park. The expedition had 4 members and 4 volunteers joined the expedition at their own expense.
descriptive report
[ред.]The first day
[ред.]Jarylhach is an island, and during the warm period of the year it’s possible to get there only by water, crossing several kilometers of Jarylhach Bay by motor boat.
On the first day of the expedition, 10 October, participants explored the northwest coast of the island, in the aquatorium of Karkinits'ka Bay, on the part of so-called “tract "Pyndyky" (small salty rounded lakes) using a boat. This place is especially enjoyed waterfowl birds - numerous gulls, cormorants, pink pelicans, swans. All birds appeared to be rather fearful, so participants failed to come close to them. This territory is one of the best preserved areas of natural landscapes of the Northern Black Sea, important as places for birds’ assemblaging during seasonal migrations. Also, the stingrays (a sea cat) often hold near the bank.
Steppe part, Jarylhach island
Salicornia brushwood, Jarylhach island
The second day
[ред.]On the 11 of October there took place photography and videoshooting of mouflons and deer near the observation tower, with watering place next to it. After this the expedition went back to the “tract "Pyndyky", but this time to its land part, continueing photo- and videoshooting of flora, fauna and landscapes. This time we managed to capture Askanian deer and mouflons. After that the participants explored the north-eastern part of the island. It is noted there are a lot of common kestrels on the island. Mantis religiosa was often registered in this part of the island.
A deer on Jarylhach island
Mouflons on Jarylhach island
The third day
[ред.]On the 12 of October the expedition carried an out to the eastern part of the island, where the lighthouse designed by G. Eiffel at the beginning of the twentieth century is situated, and explored territory on the way to it. On the same day participants managed to make a video of the Scarabaeus sacer – a dung beetle, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
Two lighthouses on Jarylhach island
Scarabaeus sacer on Jarylhach island
The fourth day
[ред.]On the island even in the autumn season there can be found many species – witnesses of ancient times, when steppe zone stretched inextricably from Baikal to the delta of Dunai. Today only small fragments have left from the grasslands, no more than three percents from the previous area. Steppe animals and plants, that are scattered throughout this fragments and isolated from other individuals of their species, almost all are protected by international conventions, global and national lists of rare species. Jarylhach is the largest island area of virgin steppe in Ukraine. On the 13 of the group continued filming landscapes, and managed to found and take photo and video of a the very rare mantis – Empusa fasciata, which sometimes happens to be seen in sand dunes near the sea.
Empusa fasciata
Eremias arguta
Sandy shore, Jarylhach island
The fifth day
[ред.]On the 14 of October, when finally the sea was calm for the last 5 days, participants managed to capture some animals in the water of Black Sea - Rhizostomae jellyfish and crabs.
Jarylhach island has been an object of particular attention ornithologists for a long time as nesting and stop place for large numbers of migratory birds, and even received a protected status in 1927, with the creation of the state sea reserves. During the study of the part of the eastern shore from the side of the Black Sea some rare birds were noted during flight, including peregrine falcons and field harrier; not far from the coas there was a small flock of common eiders - all these birds listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and are protected by international conventions.
field harrier, on the Jarylhach island
Young peregrine falcon, Jarylhach island
Two crabs, Jarylhach island
Jellyfish on the Jarylhach island
Materials, got and improved as a result of wikiexpedition
[ред.]Articles, made in Wikipedia
[ред.]+ translation into English та Spanish languages
Improved articles in Wikipedia
[ред.]+ переклад на вірменську, [[:wikipedia:sah:Дьарылҕач Айылҕа паарката|Jakutian], Italian, Bashkirian, Spanish, Udmurt languages. Translations into other languages are preparing
Written wikinews
[ред.]- Вікіекспедиція до Національного природного парку «Джарилгацький» (частина перша)
- Вікіекспедиція до Національного природного парку «Джарилгацький» (частина друга)
Improved article in Wikivoyage
[ред.]- uk:Джарилгач in Wikivoyage
Report about an Expedition
[ред.]Вікіекспедиції/Острів Джарилгач
Illustrated artickes in Wikipedia
[ред.]- uk:Лунь польовий
- uk:Сапсан
- uk:Богомол звичайний
- uk:Краб трав'яний
- uk:Мурашині леви
- uk:Ящурка піщана
- uk:Коренерот
- uk:Джарилгач
- uk:Муфлон
- uk:Емпуза піщана
- uk:Гюстав Ейфель (зображення маяка на о. Джарилгач, який спроектував Гюстав Ейфель)
- uk:Маслинка вузьколиста
- uk:Скарабей священний
- uk:Маяк
- uk:Олень благородний
Articles with added video
[ред.]- uk:Джарилгацький національний природний парк
- uk:Джарилгач
- uk:Краб трав'яний
- uk:Муфлон
- uk:Скарабей священний
- uk:Олень благородний
[ред.]All photos, uploaded to the Wikimedia commons:
Salicornia on Jarylhach island
Steppe part of Jarylhach island
A tower Jarylhach island
Sunset neat the lighthouse
Eremias arguta on Jarylhach island
A pier — the place for transporting tourists
Salicornian fields on Jarylhach island
Seashore of Jarylhach island
Surf line
Two lighthouses, Jarylhach island
Semi-wild boars in NP «Jarylhatskii»
Border guards’ house on Jarylhach island
Scarab beetle on Jarylhach island
Scarab beetle
Two lighthouses on Jarylhach island
Sandy coast, Jarylhach island
Seashore, Jarylhach island
A spider, Jarylhach island
Underwater world, Jarylhach island
Rhizostomae jellyfish
Steppe part, Jarylhach island
Thikets of salicornia
Salicornia on Jarylhach island
A lighthouse, created by Eiffel
Empusa fasciata
A bosk, Jarylhach island
A cricket on Jarylhach island
Eremias arguta
Common mantis on Jarylhach island
A lichen on Jarylhach island
A deer on Jarylhach island
Sandy plants, Jarylhach island
The sunrise above Elaeagnus angustifolia
A part with salicornia
Typical landscape
Kirkinits’ka Bay
The filming crew, that used to go to Jarylhach island for Wikiеxpedition
One of the «Pyndyks» — salt lakes
Salicornia very close
Two crabs, Jarylhach island
Ant-lion, Jarylhach island
Peregrine falcon, Jarylhach island
Field harrier
Відеоролики, завантажені на Вікісховище
A crab on Jarylhach island
A crab on Jarylhach island, underwater filming
A jellyfish on Jarylhach island
Steppe part on Jarylhach island
Salt lake
Steppe part on Jarylhach island, photo made with drone
Mouflones on Jarylhach island
A rare beetle sacred scarab
Deers in National park “Jarylhatskii”