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Матеріал з Вікімедіа Україна

українська версія



Project Title

Electronic informational database on the cultural heritage of Ukraine

Organization Name and Address
Address (with postal code)

Wikimedia Ukraine, 10-H Starokyivs’ka Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04655



Project Director

Yuri Perohanych


Executive Director, Wikimedia Ukraine

Phone 1 (with city code) #

+380 44 236 4859

Phone 2 (with city code) #

no Phone 2


+380 44 236 4859

Mobile Phone

+380 44 236 4859


board@Wikimedia Ukraine.org.ua

DUNS number


Project Activities

Documentation of Ukrainian cultural heritage with the aim of assisting in its preservation

Project Dates

Start: September 2013; Finish: August 2014

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Project Location

Project is not restricted to any particular site and/or location.

Project Purpose and Summary

The aim of the project is the creation of a comprehensive electronic informational database consisting of some 160 000 cultural heritage objects and sites located in Ukraine. Such a compiled database is a prerequisite to their ultimate preservation and will serve indirectly in preservation of the very the culture of Ukraine itself.

Project Activities Description

The creation of the proposed comprehensive electronic informational database of cultural heritage objects in Ukraine would, of necessity, include the following specific information about each:

a) name;
b) type;
c) location (oblast, district, populated point);
d) address (if such exists);
e) geographic co-ordinates;
f) photograph/image;
g) year of construction/erection (if a building/monument);
h) years of occurrence (if an event);
i) authors (if an architectural/monumental work of art);
j) discoverers (if archeological artifact/site);
k) present-day status.

It is intended to locate the database on a separate website utilizing Wiki technology, which will facilitate the frequent updating of information and the providing of up-to-date statistical information. Specifically, such statistical information would reflect:

a) the number of heritage objects/sites per geographical area, region or location;
b) the number of heritage objects/sites by type and classification;
c) the number of heritage objects/sites which have been photographed and assigned geographical coordinates.

Project schedule

Phase I. September - December 2013

Information gathering about cultural objects/sites as available from local offices of culture, district councils, museums of nature and/or regional ethnography, as well as community organizations. The initial phase would, in essence, primarily include drawing on those listings of cultural heritage objects and sites which are currently in existence.

Phase II. December 2013 - July 2014

Streamlining and clarifying the received information, which includes the following:

  • Creating and programming the open-access site "WikiMonuments"; expansion of this site would continue during this phase.
  • Entering basic information about cultural monuments/sites.
  • Clarifying information, including the assigning of geographical coordinates, obtaining photographs and/or images, identifying the exact locations or addresses of these (if applicable) and other information; in some cases the organization of actual expeditions to the cultural heritage object/site may be necessary in the quest for information.
  • Performing statistical calculations so as to obtain integral information on the registration of cultural heritage of Ukraine on a region-by-region basis, identifying districts and areas that require a more detailed study of Ukrainian cultural heritage located in their territory.
  • Expansion the database with entries about newly-discovered cultural heritage objects in keeping with the results of recently conducted expeditions and/or research.
Phase III. July 2014 - August 2014
  • Presentations and related activities aimed at disseminating information about the cultural heritage database, so as to both create public awareness of problems associated with heritage conservation and protection, as well as lead to the realization acknowledgement by the local populace of the value and richness of the cultural heritage present in their region.
The importance and urgency of the project

The significance of the project is based on the following:

  • The state cultural heritage registry apparently being in its early formative stages and being limited in scope.

A copy of the registry forwarded to the community organization "Wikimedia Ukraine" by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine on March 19, 2012, № 22-256/35 [1] includes only 3476 objects, whereas experts in the cultural field estimate that the number should approach the figure of 160 000 [2]; this implies that more than 155 000 objects may have been inadvertently left ignored by profiled institutions of the Ministry of Culture.

  • The presently available listings of cultural heritage objects and sites continue to be token representations of the actual and true number of these.

"Wikimedia Ukraine" has discovered that regional departments of culture, merely list some 30 000 cultural heritage monuments and sites, leaving some 130 000 beyond the vision of local authorities. Additionally, the listings contain numerous inaccuracies: incorrect addresses of cultural sites, old and no-longer existing street names, premises considered damaged and unsafe by today's standards, etc.

  • A systematic and comprehensive approach to the inventory of cultural heritage resources remains an urgent prerequisite for cultural heritage preservation.

Urgency of the project is based on the following:

  • The absence of a unified database of the cultural heritage of Ukraine leading to a situation that local communities and authorities continue to remain and be insufficiently informed about the existence and state of cultural heritage resources.

Such ignorance, whether witting or unwitting, indirectly leads to the destruction and loss of cultural heritage resources because of natural physical disintegration due to the forces of nature and attendant human activity. The creation of a comprehensive list of cultural attractions will assist in drawing public attention to the need of protecting cultural heritage and thus contribute to preservation of heritage objects and sites.

  • The lack of a unified database of cultural heritage of Ukraine, in some cases resulting in non-transparent decision-making by local authorities as to the development in local areas.

At a recent October 10, 2012 [3] Meeting of the Community Council at the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine there was discussion about the illegal placing of heritage objects on a protected list by local authorities which, in fact, becomes tantamount to their actual destruction. Creating a comprehensive list of cultural heritage objects and sites would be of assistance in increasing the transparency of decision-making at the local council level and in preventing non-transparent decision-making that can possibly result in the intentional destruction cultural heritage.

Applicant information


Yuri Perohanych -- community activist in the area of Information Technology and Education, General Manager of the Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine, Board Member and Executive Director of the community organization "Wikimedia Ukraine."

Graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy as Engineer-Economist (1986) and the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv as Master of International Law (2000).

Employment: Senior Software Engineer; Deputy Chief of Department of Statistics; Deputy Chief of the Foreign Relations Department of the Ukrainian Railway; Senior Consultant of the Committee of Construction, Transport and Communication of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Electronic Bulletin Editor and Deputy Director of the publishing house "Unicon Press"; Head of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine; Head of the Department of State for Communication and Information; Director of the Association of IT Distributors; and, since 2007, General Director of the Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine.

Past member of the following Advisory Councils to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Council on the Development of an Information Society, the Council of National Associations of Manufacturers, the Council of Entrepreneurs. Presently member of the Community Councils of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine; the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine; the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the State Agency on Science, Innovations and Informatization of Ukraine. Head of the Working Group on IT business in CIS countries at the Information Commission of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications; committee member of the Internet Association of Ukraine on Online Advertising and the Use of ICT in Education. Identified as "Man of the Year - 2008" among community activists in the area of Ukrainian information and communication technologies; Presented the Award of Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for significant contribution to improving the business environment for IT companies.

Panelist: National rating magazine "GVardiya" of the Publishing House "Galician Contracts" and "Ukrainian National Olympus" Award.

Member of the National Union of Regional Ethnographers of Ukraine; initiator, and one of the founders of, the community organization "Wikimedia Ukraine", Executive Director (since 2009). Member of the Committee on Allocation of the Wikimedia Foundation (September 2012).

Languages spoken: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish.

Eugene Bouquet -- Chairperson of Wikimedia Ukraine, Board Member of the National Union of Ethnographers of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, winner of the Youth Award of the Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration (2004) and the Oles Gonchar International Prize of (2008). Organizer and leader of five Wikiexpeditions to different regions of Ukraine.

Date of birth: 10/23/1981

Education: 2004 - graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv with specialization in Mechanics and Mathematics.

Employment: 2004 - 2007 - Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. July 2007 until present - online editor, deputy editor of the Ukrainian cultural weekly "Slovo Prosvity".

Experience: 2001 - 2008 - conducting and organizing events in the All-Ukrainian community youth organization "Moloda Prosvita": responsibility for the organization of trips and camps for Ukrainian youth.

Since 2003 - Member of the National Union of Ethnographers Ukraine: co-organizer and participant in some 10 expeditions for the study of regional lore.

Contributor to the journals: "Word of Enlightenment", "Day", "Governmental Courier", "Ukrainian Culture", "Kievan truth", "Ukrainian Pathway", "Makarivski News" and others.

Languages spoken: Ukrainian, Russian (full fluency), English (partial fluency), Polish (baseline).

Skills: Ability to work independently and as a team member; team-building and team-management skills; leadership and problem-solving abilities; noted for responsibility, creativity, dedication, organization, good judgment, clarity of thought and calmness in stressful situations.

Andriy Bondarenko -- co-founder and CEO of "Wikimedia Ukraine" in 2009-2010, Member of the Board since 2012, Member of the National Association of Composers of Ukraine.

Date of birth: 22/06/1978

Education: 2000 - graduate of the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Composer and Piano Departments. Trained in Poland under the grant program "Gaude Polonia" (2004).

Jobs: 1999-2000 - Lysenko Kyiv Specialized Secondary Music School; 2001 to present - Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Award recipient in piano competitions as follows: - Rachmaninoff Competition (Tambov, 1996), Horowitz Competition (Kyiv, 1997) and Lysenko Competition (Kyiv, 1997); in composer competitions as follows: I. and M. Kots Competition (Kyiv, 1994) and the "Creating a Chamber Opera on the Biblical Theme" Competition (St. Petersburg, 2003). Multiple participation in the following festivals: "Kyiv Music Fest", "Season premiere", "Youth Music Forum", "2 Days and 2 Nights of New Music", and in V. Runchak's concert series "New Music of Ukraine".

Acted as curator of the "Wiki Loves Monuments" competition in Ukraine (2010) as organized by "Wikimedia Ukraine", in the course of which the organization was successful in collecting data on 41 466 monuments: of this number 7125 were photographed and 5827 were assigned geographic coordinates.

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian (full fluency), English (partial fluency), Polish (intermediate level).