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Звіти/2021/Піврічний звіт/Фінансовий

Матеріал з Вікімедіа Україна

This page features an interim financial report by Wikimedia Ukraine covering the first half of 2021. // На цій сторінці представлений проміжний фінансовий звіт ГО «Вікімедіа Україна» за перше півріччя 2021 року.

Expenses / Витрати


2021 grant expenses throughout January 1st — June 30th. // Витрати за грантом 2021 року із 1 січня до 30 червня.

Budget UAH Витрачено в грн UAH

(курс 27.816)

Витрачено в USD Залишок в дол USD
Program 1: Content Enrichment
Item Total USD Budget UAH Total UAH Total USD Balance USD
Bridging text content gaps
1.1 Editing challenges and contests 5,650.00 157,160.40 23,331.49 838.78 4,811.22
1.1.1 Cultural diplomacy article challenge 1,000.00 27,816.00 8438 303.35 696.65
1.1.2 WikiGap challenge 800 22,252.80 6604 237.42 562.58
1.1.3 CEE Spring 2021 article contest 1,000.00 27,816.00 1727 62.09 937.91
1.1.4 Challenge on uploading existing sources published under free licenses 550 15,298.80 0 0 550
1.1.5 Local content promoting contests/challenges 800 22,252.80 0 0 800
1.1.6 Thematic weeks and months 1,000.00 27,816.00 6526 234.61 765.39
1.1.7 Sister Wikiprojects initiatives 500 13,908.00 36.49 1.31 498.69
Enhancing quality of content
1.2 Improving content 1,800.00 50,068.80 10,107.00 363.35 1,436.65
1.2.1 A wikiproject/challenge contest to improve articles 1,000.00 27,816.00 107 3.85 996.15
1.2.2 Wikigrants (for books) 500 13,908.00 10000 359.51 140.49
1.2.3 Organizing pilot expert evaluation of articles quality 300 8,344.80 0 0 300
Attracting media content
1.3 Photography Contests 21,442.40 596,960.11 176,197.02 6,334.38 15,108.02
1.3.1 Photo Contests (Wiki Loves Earth International part) 8,592.40 239,006.20 118,406.95 4,256.79 4,335.61
1.3.1 Prizes (incl. diplomas) 4,950.00 137,689.20 80000 2,876.04 2,073.96
1.3.2 International post expenses 500 13,908.00 10026.95 360.47 139.53
1.3.3 Gifts for international jury 200 5,563.20 0 0 200
1.3.4 International contest contractor 2,942.40 81,845.80 28380 1,020.28 1,922.12
1.3.2 Photo Contests (National) 12,850.00 357,953.91 57,790.07 2,077.58 10,772.42 Wiki Loves Earth in Ukraine 5,910.00 164,910.87 0 0 5,910.00 Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine 6,940.00 193,043.04 57,790.07 2,077.58 4,862.42
1.4 Wikiexpeditions and photography grants 1,600.00 44,505.60 16,000.00 575.21 1,024.79
1.4.1 Wikiexpeditions 1,200.00 33,379.20 15000 539.26 660.74
1.4.2 Photography grants 400 11,126.40 1000 35.95 364.05
1.5 GLAM 3,853.92 107,200.64 10,176.00 365.83 3,488.09
1.5.1 Events, presentations, video, campaigns etc 1,500.00 41,724.00 276 9.92 1,490.08
1.5.2 GLAM Contractor 2,353.92 65,476.64 9900 355.91 1,998.01
1.X Unforeseen community projects and events 1,500.00 41,724.00 0 0 1,500.00
Total 1 35,846.32 997,619.55 235,811.51 8,477.55 27,368.77
Program 2: Increasing participation
Attracting new editors to Wikimedia projects
2.1 Wikimarathon 2,000.00 55,632.00 16813.55 604.46 1,395.54
2.2 Wikipedia in Education 2,000.00 55,632.00 20550 738.78 1,261.22
2.3 Wikipedia Editing Online course development 500 13,908.00 0 0 500
2.4 School curriculum article contest/challenge 1,000.00 27,816.00 0 0 1,000.00
2.5 WikiScience Contest 1,000.00 27,816.00 0 0 1,000.00
2.6 Education Contractor 4,707.84 130,953.28 25080 901.64 3,806.20
Increasing diversity of the community of editors
2.7 Development of communities of sister projects 900 25,034.40 0 0 900
2.8 Diversity initiatives: events, presentations etc. 400 11,126.40 0 0 400
2.X Unforeseen community projects and events 1,000.00 27,816.00 0 0 1,000.00
Total 2 13,507.84 375,734.08 62,443.55 2,244.88 11,262.96
Program 3: Community Support and Development
Instruction for community members
3.1 Trainings and Community Events 14,350.00 399,159.60 40,977.00 1,473.14 12,876.86
3.1.1 Training sessions for the community 1,600.00 44,505.60 17000 611.16 988.84
3.1.2 Hackathons / events for the development of technical skills 800 22,252.80 0 0 800
3.1.3 Event organisation (WikiConference, General Meeting, Strategic Session etc.) 5,250.00 146,034.00 23977 861.99 4,388.01
3.1.4 Strategy facilitation 1,000.00 27,816.00 0 0 1,000.00
3.1.5 Scholarships for international events 5,700.00 158,551.20 0 0 5,700.00
Increasing the community's motivation and awareness
3.2 Raising community motivation 1,250.00 34,770.00 11,178.56 401.88 848.12
3.2.1 Wikizghushchivka (Condensed milk) 500 13,908.00 6178.56 222.12 277.88
3.2.2 Wikigrants 750 20,862.00 5000 179.75 570.25
3.2.3 Communications with community, newsletters 0 0 0 0
3.3 Increasing awareness 200 5,563.20 0 0 200
3.3.1 Awareness events, presentations etc 200 5,563.20 0 0 200
3.3.2 Community Survey (consultant's fee etc) 0 0 0 0
3.X Unforeseen community projects and events 750 20,862.00 0 0 750
Total 3 16,550.00 460,354.80 52,155.56 1,875.02 14,674.98
Program 4: Awareness for Wikimedia and Free Knowledge
4.1 Media support and promotion of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects 2,200.00 61,195.20 18,105.00 650.88 1,549.12
4.1.1 Wikipedia anniversary 300 8,344.80 7280 261.72 38.28
4.1.2 Working with social media and blogs 500 13,908.00 10000 359.51 140.49
4.1.3 Events, presentations, media events 900 25,034.40 825 29.66 870.34
4.1.4 Communication strategy development 500 13,908.00 0 0 500
4.2 Working with readers and the general public to increase awareness 1,550.00 43,114.80 0 0 1,550.00
4.2.1 Events/initiatives with partners 300 8,344.80 0 0 300
4.2.2 Survey for readers and target audiences 500 13,908.00 0 0 500
4.2.3 Developing information materials on wikiprojects 750 20,862.00 0 0 750
4.3 Advocacy 5,197.20 144,565.32 43,560.00 1,566.01 3,631.19
4.3.1 Advocacy events, presentations, media events etc 500 13,908.00 0 0 500
4.3.2 Publications, video etc 2,000.00 55,632.00 0 0 2,000.00
4.3.3 Advocacy contractor 2,697.20 75,025.32 43560 1,566.01 1,131.19
4.X Unforeseen community projects and events 750 20,862.00 0 0 750
Total 4 9,697.20 269,737.32 61,665.00 2,216.89 7,480.31
Administrative costs
Item 0 0
5.1 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 14,486.20 402,948.14 156,737.37 5,634.79 8,851.41
5.1.1 Office and utilities 4,200.00 116,827.20 64383.6 2,314.62 1,885.38
5.1.2 Office supplies and stationery 960 26,703.36 12927 464.73 495.27
5.1.3 Office equipment 500 13,908.00 748 26.89 473.11
5.1.4 Printing / Duplicating / Copying 360 10,013.76 0 0 360
5.1.5 Web-site development, support and hosting etc 500 13,908.00 11414.69 410.36 89.64
5.1.6 Travel expenses 480 13,351.68 5000 179.75 300.25
5.1.7 Fundraising development 1,000.00 27,816.00 0 0 1,000.00
5.1.8 Other administrative expenses (IT, translation, notary, legal, in-person meetings etc) 4,806.20 133,689.26 35739.74 1,284.86 3,521.34
5.1.9 Communications 1,200.00 33,379.20 20835.66 749.05 450.95
5.1.10 Bank fees 480 13,351.68 5688.68 204.51 275.49
5.2 Staff 30,457.44 847,204.15 358,166.12 12,876.26 17,581.18
5.2.1 Program coordinator 9,415.68 261,906.55 132786.12 4,773.73 4,641.95
5.2.2 Communication manager 9,415.68 261,906.55 94380 3,393.01 6,022.67
5.2.4 Accountant 7,751.04 215,602.93 87200 3,134.89 4,616.15
5.2.5 Office manager 3,875.04 107,788.11 43800 1,574.63 2,300.41
Total 5 44,943.64 1,250,152.29 514,903.49 18,511.05 26,432.59
Total expenses 120,545.00 3,353,598.03 926,979.11 33,325.39 87,219.61

Notes / Коментарі


The interim financial report is prepared under the cash basis. The amounts are sometimes paid as an advance, so some services were not fully provided yet during the first half of the year. // Піврічний фінансовий звіт підготовлено за касовим методом. Тому тут також відображені авансові платежі за послуги, які ще не були повністю надані у першому півріччі.

Рух коштів



  • UA163510050000026004274482200 UAH (загальний рахунок)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 92966.36
    Отримано: 11630.84
    З них членські/благодійні внески: 10334.01
    перенесено з депозитного рахунку: 1296.83
    Витрачено: 0.00
    Залишок (на 30.06.2021): 104597.20
  • UA523510050000026002274482202 UAH (грантовий)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 0.00
    Отримано: 973560.00 (продаж 35 000 дол)
    Витрачено: 926979.11
    Залишок (на 30.06.2021): 46580.89
  • UA523510050000026002274482203 UAH (депозитний)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 1293.48
    Отримано: 3.35
    Витрачено: 1296.83 (перенесено на загальний рахунок)
    Залишок (на 30.06.2021): 0.00

Долари США

  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2018/19)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 9900.00
    Отримано: 0.00
    Витрачено: 0.00
    Залишок (на 30.06.2021): 9900.00
  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2020)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 10140.00
    Отримано: 0.00
    Витрачено: 10140.00 (перенесено на грант 2021 р)
    Залишок (на 30.06.2021): 0.00
  • UA163510050000026004274482200 USD (грантовий 2021)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2021): 63487,50
    Отримано: 10140.00 (залишок з гранту 2020 р)
    Витрачено: 35000.00 (на продаж)
    Залишок (на 30.06.2020): 38627,50
  • UA343510050000026003274482201 USD (загальний рахунок)
    Вхідний баланс (на 01.01.2020): 526,46
    Отримано: - 0
    Витрачено: - 0
    Залишок (на 31.12.2020): 526,46