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Вікіконференція 2012/Місце/en

Матеріал з Вікімедіа Україна

Main page Venue Program Attendees Organisation questions
The Second Ukrainian Wikiconference
Kharkiv, 28—29 April 2012
The Second Ukrainian Wikiconference
Kharkiv, 28—29 April 2012




Saturday: Kharkiv National University. Freedom square, 4. Google mapa, Wikimapia

Sunday The exact place to be decided



The conference participans will be met on the railway stations of the city. (It'll be additionaly announced.)



Part of the guests will be accomodated at the homes of Kharkiv residents. Kharkiv is the initiator of the movement to accommodate the guests of Euro-2012 in the city free of charge.

The number of places will be announced separately.